The gazebo-style restroom in Grape Day Park has been a feature, part of the entrance to the Heritage Walk, for more than 30 years.
Rather than demolishing the cinder block building, it could be re-purposed as badly needed archival storage for the History Center. By adding a fire-resistant roof and making a few other alterations, it could provide more and significantly safer storage space than is currently available in the barn's climate-controlled archive storage room.
The building was once thought worthy of having a plaque, something that still stands next to it, thanking the contractors who built it. Theirs was the last bid opened by the city - and they offered to complete the construction for only $1. That's a part of the Park's history and something to continue to acknowledge, not to demolish

If there is a concern that the overhang creates a haven for homeless people in the rain, walls could be built out, between the current posts. They could feature murals or photographs from Escondido's history.
If the overhang is considered okay as it is, murals could adorn the existing sides of the building to make graffiti less likely or it could simply be painted or large windows installed for viewing exhibits.

The interior features high ceilings that will allow for added storage space. The area where the cupola sits at the top and the vent panels in the walls will need to be enclosed to keep the weather out.

The existing fixtures and stalls will also need to be removed. A good scrubbing and a coat of paint will finish the interior. Fire sprinklers and an air conditioner will need to be installed. On the exterior, the roof and some of the wood that is deteriorating will also need repair/replacement.

Having this storage available could mean that the barn would be able to provide display space for large agricultural displays, as well as vehicles and other large items that would be able to be seen by the public on a more regular basis.
Keeping the building and re-purposing it would be a very smart, very GREEN idea, rather than bulldozing an attractive piece of Escondido history and sending it to the landfill!